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About Equi-Health Canada

The program was established in 2007 with the vision of educating horse owners in emergency first aid and providing quality training and products. Our courses and products were developed by Veterinarians in conjunction with farriers, equine chiropractors, equine massage therapists, and equine experts.  The courses are recognized across Canada and beyond.


The organization continues to work with its Veterinarians and Board of Advisors.

We run our education programs through a variety of adult and children's courses. Our classes are available and suitable for all ages, abilities, disciplines and experience levels, which is why someone new to horses will feel completely comfortable, and even the most seasoned horse person will learn something new.

Equi-Health Canada is an outstanding organization that provides top-quality classes in equine emergency first aid, equine safety, and disaster planning preparedness. They take a comprehensive and careful approach to assisting equine owners, barn managers, and other equine enthusiasts. These are typically the "first responders" in discovering an emergency situation. Equi-Health Canada's instructors our certified and well-trained to teach their courses.

Equine Support Services USA

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Why Take a Course?

When you own a horse its not if... but when you will be faced with an emergency.  From colic to choke, laminitis to lacerations, poison to pain... we can help you be prepared to face even the most serious emergency. All courses offered are eligible for professional development credit with Equestrian Canada and the various associations for Veterinary Technicians.


In addition, any horse owner or farm owner who takes the emergency first aid training can provide a copy of their certificate of completion to their insurance company to acquire the most favourable rates

in equine mortality and colic insurance.


  • Highview Veterinary Clinic

  • Moore Equine Hospital

  • Canadian Horse Journals

  • Equestrian Canada

  • The Brooke International

  • EAL Canada

  • Just Passing Horse Bereavement

  • Provincial Equine Associations 

  • Provincial Associations of Veterinary Technicians

Continuing Education Credits

  • Equestrian Canada CE Credits

  • Provincial Associations of Veterinary Technicians for Continuing Education Credits

  • High School Green/Agriculture Certificate Program credits

  • International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants CE credits

  • EAGALA CE credits

  • High School Green/Agriculture Certificate Program credits

  • International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants CE credits

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